Source code for mimetic_basis_polynomials_2d

`Node`, `edge` and `face` polynomials in the 2d reference domain

.. _grid2d:


Let ``A=(a1, a2)``, ``B=(b1,b2,b3)``. Then
:ref:`grid2d` (``A``, ``B``) refers to a sequence of coordinates,
``(a1, b1)``, ``(a2, b1)``, ``(a1, b2)``, ``(a2, b2)``,
``(a1, b3)``, ``(a2, b3)``. Namely, we
first do a ``meshgrid`` (``A``, ``B``), then put the coordinates
into a sequence one by one picking along ``A`` direction firstly, ``B``
direction secondly and finally ``C`` direction. Also see :func:`grid2d`.

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import numpy as np
from quadrature import Lobatto
from Lagrange_and_edge_polynomials import Lagrange_polynomials as Lp1
from Lagrange_and_edge_polynomials import edge_polynomials as ep1

[docs] class MimeticBasisPolynomials2D(object): """A wrapper of basis node, edge, face polynomials in the 2d reference domain :math:`\Pi_{\mathrm{ref}}=[-1,1]^2`. :param nodes_rho: The nodes on which the 1D mimetic polynomials are built along the first axis (:math:`\\varrho`). :param nodes_tau: The nodes on which the 1D mimetic polynomials are built along the second axis (:math:`\\tau`). :type nodes_rho: 1d np.array :type nodes_tau: 1d np.array :example: >>> bf = MimeticBasisPolynomials2D('Lobatto-3', 'Lobatto-3') >>> # N = nodes_rho = nodes_tau = 3 [3, 3] >>> rho = np.linspace(-1, 1, 5) >>> tau = np.linspace(-1, 1, 6) >>> NP = bf.node_polynomials(rho, tau) >>> NP.shape # 4^2=16 node polynomials evaluated at 5*6=30 points (16, 30) >>> EP_rho, EP_tau = bf.edge_polynomials(rho, tau) >>> EP_rho.shape # 3*4=12 edge polynomials (12, 30) >>> FP = bf.face_polynomials(rho, tau) >>> FP.shape # 3*3=9 face polynomials (9, 30) """ def __init__(self, nodes_rho, nodes_tau): self.nodes = [self._parse_nodes_(nodes_rho), self._parse_nodes_(nodes_tau)] = [len(self.nodes[i])-1 for i in range(2)] @staticmethod def _parse_nodes_(nodes): """Parse the nodes. You can customize your own input shortcut through this method. """ if isinstance(nodes, str): if nodes[:7] == 'Lobatto': # for example, nodes = "Lobatto-5" _, nodes_degree = nodes.split('-') nodes_degree = int(nodes_degree) nodes, _ = Lobatto(nodes_degree) else: pass return nodes
[docs] def node_polynomials(self, rho, tau): """Evaluate the node polynomials at ``grid2d(rho, tau)``. :param rho: :ref:`grid2d` (``rho``, ``tau``) is the grid to evaluate the polynomials. :param tau: :ref:`grid2d` (``rho``, ``tau``)is the grid to evaluate the polynomials. :type rho: 1d np.array :type tau: 1d np.array """ nodes_rho, nodes_tau = self.nodes np_rho = Lp1(nodes_rho, rho) np_tau = Lp1(nodes_tau, tau) return np.kron(np_tau, np_rho)
[docs] def edge_polynomials(self, rho, tau): """Evaluate the edge polynomials at ``grid2d(rho, tau)``. :param rho: :ref:`grid2d` (``rho``, ``tau``) is the grid to evaluate the polynomials. :param tau: :ref:`grid2d` (``rho``, ``tau``)is the grid to evaluate the polynomials. :type rho: 1d np.array :type tau: 1d np.array """ nodes_rho, nodes_tau = self.nodes np_rho = Lp1(nodes_rho, rho) np_tau = Lp1(nodes_tau, tau) ep_rho = ep1(nodes_rho, rho) ep_tau = ep1(nodes_tau, tau) return np.kron(np_tau, ep_rho), np.kron(ep_tau, np_rho)
[docs] def face_polynomials(self, rho, tau): """Evaluate the face polynomials at ``grid2d(rho, tau)``. :param rho: :ref:`grid2d` (``rho``, ``tau``) is the grid to evaluate the polynomials. :param tau: :ref:`grid2d` (``rho``, ``tau``)is the grid to evaluate the polynomials. :type rho: 1d np.array :type tau: 1d np.array """ nodes_rho, nodes_tau = self.nodes ep_rho = ep1(nodes_rho, rho) ep_tau = ep1(nodes_tau, tau) return np.kron(ep_tau, ep_rho)
[docs] def grid2d(A, B): """The function to compute the grid of two sets of nodes. :param A: The first (along :math:`\\varrho`) set of nodes. :param B: The second (along :math:`\\tau`) set of nodes. :type A: 1d data object :type B: 1d data object :return: A tuple of three outputs: #. (1d np.array) The grided :math:`\\varrho` coordinates. #. (1d np.array) The grided :math:`\\tau` coordinates. :example: >>> A = np.array([1, 2]) >>> B = np.array([3, 4, 5]) >>> x, y = grid2d(A, B) >>> D = np.vstack((x,y)).T >>> D array([[1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 4], [2, 4], [1, 5], [2, 5]]) """ x, y = np.meshgrid(A, B, indexing='ij') x = x.ravel('F') y = y.ravel('F') return x, y
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()