My Ph.D. thesisΒΆ

Mimetic Spectral Element Method and Extensions
toward Higher Computational Efficiency

ISBN 978-94-6419-420-3

The general goal of this dissertation is set to be to promote the application and development of the mimetic spectral element method (MSEM). And, in particular, it addresses three research questions:

  1. Can we develop a mass, kinetic energy and helicity conserving discretization for 3D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using the MSEM?

  2. Can we develop extensions of the MSEM that demand less computational power?

  3. Can we introduce the MSEM and its extensions (if research question (ii) is positively answered) in a way that new researchers can find it more helpful in terms of implementation?

A special component of this thesis is the Ph.D. thesis complements (ptc) where additional instructive documents and scripts are provided.

For the propositions of this thesis, see Propositions. And for a summary, please see Summary.

This thesis (and the research it involves) was written (conducted) under the supervision of Marc Gerritsma and with the help of many others, see Acknowledgements.

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