Source code for crazy_mesh

In this script, we define a mesh in a unit cube,

    .. math::
        \\Omega = [0,1]^3.

The mesh is of :math:`K^3` elements,

    .. math::
        i,j,k \\in\\left\\lbrace1,2,\\cdots,K\\right\\rbrace.

The mapping :math:`\\Phi_{m}=\\Phi_{i,j,k}:\\Omega_{\\mathrm{ref}}\\to
\\Omega_{i,j,k}` is given as

    .. math::
        \\Phi_{i,j,k} = \\mathring{\\Phi}\\circ\\Xi_{i,j,k},

where :math:`\\Xi_{i,j,k}` is a linear mapping,
\\right)`, i.e.,

    .. math::
        \\end{pmatrix} = \\Xi_{i,j,k}(\\xi,\\eta,\\varsigma)
            i-1 + (\\xi+1)/2\\\\
            j-1 + (\\eta+1)/2\\\\
            k-1 + (\\varsigma+1)/2

and :math:`\\mathring{\\Phi}` is a mapping,

    .. math::
        \\end{pmatrix} = \\mathring{\\Phi}(r,s,t) =
        r + \\frac{1}{2}c \\sin(2\\pi r)\\sin(2\\pi s)\\sin(2\\pi t)\\\\
        s + \\frac{1}{2}c \\sin(2\\pi r)\\sin(2\\pi s)\\sin(2\\pi t)\\\\
        t + \\frac{1}{2}c \\sin(2\\pi r)\\sin(2\\pi s)\\sin(2\\pi t)

where :math:`0 \leq c \leq 0.25` is a deformation factor. When
:math:`c=0`, :math:`\mathring{\Phi}` is also a linear mapping. Thus we
have a uniform orthogonal mesh. When :math:`c>0`, the mesh is
curvilinear. Two examples (left: :math:`c=0`, right: :math:`c=0.25`) of
this mesh for :math:`K=3` are shown below.

.. image:: workshop/crazy_mesh.png

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import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos, pi
from coordinate_transformation import CoordinateTransformation

[docs] class CrazyMesh(object): """The crazy mesh. :param c: The deformation factor, :math:`0 \leq c \leq 0.25`. :type c: float :param K: The crazy mesh is of :math:`K^3` elements. :type K: int :example: >>> cm = CrazyMesh(0.1, 2) >>> e0 = cm.CT_of_element_number(0) >>> e000 = cm.CT_of_element_index(0, 0, 0) >>> e0 is e000 True >>> e7 = cm.CT_of_element_number(7) >>> e111 = cm.CT_of_element_index(1, 1, 1) >>> e7 is e111 True >>> e000 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <coordinate_transformation.CoordinateTransformation object at... >>> e7 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <coordinate_transformation.CoordinateTransformation object at... """ def __init__(self, c, K): assert 0 <= c <= 0.25, \ "The deformation factor must be in [0, 0.25]." self.c = c self.K = K self._cache_ = dict() # we cache the output for repeated usage.
[docs] def CT_of_element_index(self, i, j, k): """Return a :class:`CoordinateTransformation` instance for element :math:`\\Omega_{i,j,k}`. Note that Python index starts from :math:`0`. So for a :class:`CrazyMesh` of :math:`K^3` elements, its indices, :math:`i,j,k\\in\\left\\lbrace 0, 1, K-1\\right\\rbrace`. :param i: Element index ``i``. :param j: Element index ``j``. :param k: Element index ``k``. :type i: int :type j: int :type k: int :return: A :class:`CoordinateTransformation` instance. """ c, K = self.c, self.K assert 0 <= i < K and i % 1 == 0, \ f"i={i} is wrong, must be an integer between 0 and {K}." assert 0 <= j < K and j % 1 == 0, \ f"j={j} is wrong, must be an integer between 0 and {K}." assert 0 <= k < K and k % 1 == 0, \ f"k={k} is wrong, must be an integer between 0 and {K}." indicator = str(i)+'-'+str(j)+'-'+str(k) if indicator in self._cache_: # to see if this element is cached # if yes, then return it from the cache. return self._cache_[indicator] # otherwise, we make it. def Phi(xi, et, sg): r = ( 1 / K ) * ( i + (xi + 1) / 2 ) s = ( 1 / K ) * ( j + (et + 1) / 2 ) t = ( 1 / K ) * ( k + (sg + 1) / 2 ) x = r + 0.5* c * sin(2 * pi * r) * sin(2 * pi * s) * sin(2 * pi * t) y = s + 0.5* c * sin(2 * pi * r) * sin(2 * pi * s) * sin(2 * pi * t) z = t + 0.5* c * sin(2 * pi * r) * sin(2 * pi * s) * sin(2 * pi * t) return x, y, z def d_Phi(xi, et, sg): r = ( 1 / K ) * ( i + (xi + 1) / 2 ) s = ( 1 / K ) * ( j + (et + 1) / 2 ) t = ( 1 / K ) * ( k + (sg + 1) / 2 ) x_xi = (1 + c * pi * cos(2 * pi * r) * sin( 2 * pi * s) * sin(2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) x_et = (c * pi * sin(2 * pi * r) * cos(2 * pi * s) * sin( 2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) x_sg = (c * pi * sin(2 * pi * r) * sin(2 * pi * s) * cos( 2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) y_xi = (c * pi * cos(2 * pi * r) * sin(2 * pi * s) * sin( 2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) y_et = (1 + c * pi * sin(2 * pi * r) * cos( 2 * pi * s) * sin(2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) y_sg = (c * pi * sin(2 * pi * r) * sin(2 * pi * s) * cos( 2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) z_xi = (c * pi * cos(2 * pi * r) * sin(2 * pi * s) * sin( 2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) z_et = (c * pi * sin(2 * pi * r) * cos(2 * pi * s) * sin( 2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) z_sg = (1 + c * pi * sin(2 * pi * r) * sin( 2 * pi * s) * cos(2 * pi * t)) / (2 * K) return (x_xi, x_et, x_sg), (y_xi, y_et, y_sg), ( z_xi, z_et, z_sg) ct = CoordinateTransformation(Phi, d_Phi) self._cache_[indicator] = ct # before return, we cache it. return ct
[docs] def CT_of_element_number(self, m): """Return a :class:`CoordinateTransformation` instance for element :math:`\\Omega_{m}`. Note that Python index starts from :math:`0`. So for a :class:`CrazyMesh` of :math:`K^3` elements, :math:`m\\in\\left\\lbrace 0,1,\\cdots,K^3-1\\right\\rbrace`. :param m: Element No. ``m``. :type m: int :return: A :class:`CoordinateTransformation` instance. """ K = self.K assert 0 <= m < K**3 and m % 1 == 0, \ f"m={m} is wrong, must be an integer between 0 and {K**3}." k = m // K**2 j = ( m - k * K**2 ) // K i = m - k * K**2 - j * K return self.CT_of_element_index(i, j, k)
[docs] class CrazyMeshGlobalNumbering(object): """A wrapper of global numberings for discrete variables in the crazy mesh. :param K: The crazy mesh is of :math:`K^3` elements. :param N: The degree :math:`N`. of the to be used mimetic polynomial basis functions. :type K: int :type N: int :example: >>> K = 2 >>> N = 1 >>> GM = CrazyMeshGlobalNumbering(K, N) >>> GM.FP array([[ 0, 1, 12, 14, 24, 28], [ 1, 2, 13, 15, 25, 29], [ 3, 4, 14, 16, 26, 30], [ 4, 5, 15, 17, 27, 31], [ 6, 7, 18, 20, 28, 32], [ 7, 8, 19, 21, 29, 33], [ 9, 10, 20, 22, 30, 34], [10, 11, 21, 23, 31, 35]]) >>> GM.VP array([[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]) """ def __init__(self, K, N): self.K, self.N = K, N @property def NP(self): """Generate a global numbering for the dofs of an element in :math:`\\text{NP}_{N}(\\Omega)` on a crazy mesh of :math:`K^3` elements. """ raise NotImplementedError("Could you complete this property?") @property def EP(self): """Generate a global numbering for the dofs of an element in :math:`\\text{EP}_{N-1}(\\Omega)` on a crazy mesh of :math:`K^3` elements. """ raise NotImplementedError("Could you complete this property?") @property def FP(self): """Generate a global numbering for the dofs of an element in :math:`\\text{FP}_{N-1}(\Omega)` on a crazy mesh of :math:`K^3` elements. """ K, N = self.K, self.N KN = K * N FP_dofs_3d_x = np.arange((KN+1)*KN**2, dtype='int').reshape( (KN+1, KN, KN), order='F') accumulated = (KN + 1) * KN**2 FP_dofs_3d_y = np.arange(accumulated, accumulated + (KN+1) * KN**2, dtype='int').reshape((KN, KN+1, KN), order='F') accumulated = 2 * (KN + 1) * KN**2 FP_dofs_3d_z = np.arange(accumulated, accumulated + (KN+1) * KN**2, dtype='int').reshape((KN, KN, KN+1), order='F') GM_FP_x = np.zeros((K**3, (N+1) * N**2), dtype='int') GM_FP_y = np.zeros((K**3, (N+1) * N**2), dtype='int') GM_FP_z = np.zeros((K**3, (N+1) * N**2), dtype='int') for k in range(K): for j in range(K): for i in range(K): m = i + j * K + k * K ** 2 GM_FP_x[m] = FP_dofs_3d_x[ i*N:(i+1)*N+1, j*N:(j+1)*N, k*N:(k+1)*N].ravel('F') GM_FP_y[m] = FP_dofs_3d_y[ i*N:(i+1)*N, j*N:(j+1)*N+1, k*N:(k+1)*N].ravel('F') GM_FP_z[m] = FP_dofs_3d_z[ i*N:(i+1)*N, j*N:(j+1)*N, k*N:(k+1)*N+1].ravel('F') GM_FP = np.hstack((GM_FP_x, GM_FP_y, GM_FP_z)) return GM_FP @property def VP(self): """Generate a global numbering for the dofs of an element in :math:`\\text{VP}_{N-1}(\\Omega)` on a crazy mesh of :math:`K^3` elements. """ K, N = self.K, self.N KN = K * N VP_dofs_3d = np.arange(KN ** 3, dtype='int' ).reshape((KN, KN, KN), order='F') GM_VP = np.zeros((K ** 3, N ** 3), dtype='int') for k in range(K): for j in range(K): for i in range(K): m = i + j * K + k * K ** 2 GM_VP[m] = VP_dofs_3d[i*N:(i+1)*N, j*N:(j+1)*N, k*N:(k+1)*N].ravel('F') return GM_VP
[docs] class CrazyMeshGlobalBoundaryDOFs(object): """We find the global numbering of the dofs on each boundary of the crazy mesh. :param K: The crazy mesh is of :math:`K^3` elements. :param N: The degree :math:`N`. of the to be used mimetic polynomial basis functions. :type K: int :type N: int :example: >>> K = 2 >>> N = 1 >>> B_DOFs = CrazyMeshGlobalBoundaryDOFs(K, N) >>> FB_dofs = B_DOFs.FP >>> FB_dofs['x_minus'] # x=0 face array([0, 3, 6, 9]) >>> FB_dofs['x_plus'] # x=1 face array([ 2, 5, 8, 11]) >>> FB_dofs['y_minus'] # y=0 face array([12, 13, 18, 19]) >>> FB_dofs['y_plus'] # y=1 face array([16, 17, 22, 23]) >>> FB_dofs['z_minus'] # z=0 face array([24, 25, 26, 27]) >>> FB_dofs['z_plus'] # z=1 face array([32, 33, 34, 35]) """ def __init__(self, K, N): self.K, self.N = K, N @property def NP(self): """Find the dofs of an element in :math:`\\text{NP}_{N}(\Omega)` which are on boundary of the crazy mesh of :math:`K^3` elements. """ raise NotImplementedError("Could you complete this property?") @property def EP(self): """Find the dofs of an element in :math:`\\text{EP}_{N-1}(\Omega)` which are on boundary of the crazy mesh of :math:`K^3` elements. """ raise NotImplementedError("Could you complete this property?") @property def FP(self): """Find the dofs of an element in :math:`\\text{FP}_{N-1}(\Omega)` which are on boundary of the crazy mesh of :math:`K^3` elements. :returns: A dict whose keys are 'x_minus', 'x_plus', 'y_minus', 'y_plus', 'z_minus', 'z_plus', and whose values are the global numbering of the dofs on the boundaries indicated by the keys. """ K, N = self.K, self.N KN = K * N FP_dofs_3d_x = np.arange((KN+1)*KN**2).reshape( (KN+1, KN, KN), order='F') accumulated = (KN + 1) * KN**2 FP_dofs_3d_y = np.arange(accumulated, accumulated + (KN+1) * KN**2).reshape( (KN, KN+1, KN), order='F') accumulated = 2 * (KN + 1) * KN**2 FP_dofs_3d_z = np.arange(accumulated, accumulated + (KN+1) * KN**2).reshape( (KN, KN, KN+1), order='F') DOFs_on_boundary = dict() DOFs_on_boundary['x_minus'] = FP_dofs_3d_x[0, :, :].ravel('F') DOFs_on_boundary['x_plus'] = FP_dofs_3d_x[-1, :, :].ravel('F') DOFs_on_boundary['y_minus'] = FP_dofs_3d_y[:, 0, :].ravel('F') DOFs_on_boundary['y_plus'] = FP_dofs_3d_y[:, -1, :].ravel('F') DOFs_on_boundary['z_minus'] = FP_dofs_3d_z[:, :, 0].ravel('F') DOFs_on_boundary['z_plus'] = FP_dofs_3d_z[:, :, -1].ravel('F') return DOFs_on_boundary
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod() def phi_exact(x, y, z): return sin(2 * pi * x) * sin(2 * pi * y) * sin(2 * pi * z) def u_exact(x, y, z): return 2 * pi * cos(2 * pi * x) * sin(2 * pi * y) * sin( 2 * pi * z) def v_exact(x, y, z): return 2 * pi * sin(2 * pi * x) * cos(2 * pi * y) * sin( 2 * pi * z) def w_exact(x, y, z): return 2 * pi * sin(2 * pi * x) * sin(2 * pi * y) * cos( 2 * pi * z) def f_exact(x, y, z): return 12 * pi ** 2 * sin(2 * pi * x) * sin(2 * pi * y) * sin( 2 * pi * z) from projection import Reduction from L2_error import L2Error from mimetic_basis_polynomials import MimeticBasisPolynomials N = 2 KK = np.array([i for i in range(1,11)]) c=0.1 Error_p = list() Error_u = list() Error_w = list() Error_f = list() for K in KK: _bfN_ = 'Lobatto-' + str(N) mbf = MimeticBasisPolynomials(_bfN_, _bfN_, _bfN_) crazy_mesh = CrazyMesh(c, K) p_exact_local = list() p_L2 = list() w_exact_local = list() w_L2 = list() u_exact_local = list() u_L2 = list() f_exact_local = list() f_L2 = list() for k in range(K): for j in range(K): for i in range(K): ct = crazy_mesh.CT_of_element_index(i, j, k) RD = Reduction(mbf, ct) L2e = L2Error(mbf, ct) p_dofs_local = RD.NP(phi_exact) p_L2_local = L2e.NP(p_dofs_local, phi_exact) p_L2.append(p_L2_local ** 2) w_dofs_local = RD.EP((u_exact, v_exact, w_exact)) w_L2_local = L2e.EP(w_dofs_local, (u_exact, v_exact, w_exact)) w_L2.append(w_L2_local ** 2) u_dofs_local = RD.FP((u_exact, v_exact, w_exact)) u_L2_local = L2e.FP(u_dofs_local, (u_exact, v_exact, w_exact)) u_L2.append(u_L2_local ** 2) f_dofs_local = RD.VP(f_exact) f_L2_local = L2e.VP(f_dofs_local, f_exact) f_L2.append(f_L2_local**2) Error_p.append(np.sum(p_L2)**0.5) Error_w.append(np.sum(w_L2)**0.5) Error_u.append(np.sum(u_L2)**0.5) Error_f.append(np.sum(f_L2)**0.5) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 0)) x = 1/KK y = Error_p order = (np.log10(y[-1])- np.log10(y[-2])) /\ (np.log10(x[-1])-np.log10(x[-2])) plt.loglog(x, y, label=f'Node, h-convergence, c={c}, order=%.2f'%order) plt.legend() plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (0, 1)) x = 1/KK y = Error_w order = (np.log10(y[-1])- np.log10(y[-2])) /\ (np.log10(x[-1])-np.log10(x[-2])) plt.loglog(x, y, label=f'Edge, h-convergence, c={c}, order=%.2f'%order) plt.legend() plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 0)) x = 1/KK y = Error_u order = (np.log10(y[-1])- np.log10(y[-2])) /\ (np.log10(x[-1])-np.log10(x[-2])) plt.loglog(x, y, label=f'Face, h-convergence, c={c}, order=%.2f'%order) plt.legend() plt.subplot2grid((2, 2), (1, 1)) x = 1/KK y = Error_f order = (np.log10(y[-1])- np.log10(y[-2])) /\ (np.log10(x[-1])-np.log10(x[-2])) plt.loglog(x, y, label=f'Volume form, h-convergence, c={c}, order=%.2f'%order) plt.legend()