Source code for projection_dual

An implementation of the projection for the dual mimetic spaces. The
projection can be divided into two processes, *reduction* and

The *reduction* process will use the given scalar or vector to obtain
the coefficients of its projection in the discrete space.

The *reconstruction* process assembles the coefficients with the correct
basis functions and leads to evaluable function.

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import numpy as np
from projection import Reduction, Reconstruction
from projection_trace import ReductionTrace, ReconstructionTrace
from mass_matrices import MassMatrices
from scipy.sparse import linalg as spspalinalg

[docs] class ReductionDual(object): """The reduction for spaces :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{NP}}_{N}(\\Omega)`, :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{EP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`, :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{FP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)` and :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{VP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :example: >>> from numpy import sin, cos, pi >>> from coordinate_transformation import CoordinateTransformation >>> from coordinate_transformation import Phi, d_Phi >>> from mimetic_basis_polynomials import MimeticBasisPolynomials >>> ct = CoordinateTransformation(Phi, d_Phi) >>> bf = MimeticBasisPolynomials('Lobatto-3', 'Lobatto-3', 'Lobatto-3') >>> rdd = ReductionDual(bf, ct) >>> def pressure(x,y,z): ... return sin(np.pi*x) * sin(pi*y) * sin(pi*z) >>> def velocity_x(x,y,z): ... return pi * cos(pi*x) * sin(pi*y) * sin(pi*z) >>> def velocity_y(x,y,z): ... return pi * sin(pi*x) * cos(pi*y) * sin(pi*z) >>> def velocity_z(x,y,z): ... return pi * sin(pi*x) * sin(pi*y) * cos(pi*z) >>> rdd.NP(pressure) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 4.55293100e-05, 4.23149147e-04, 4.96681526e-05,... >>> rdd.EP((velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([-4.46767360e-03, 3.73876731e-03, 1.82174958e-03,... >>> rdd.FP((velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z)) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.04649943, -0.03142164, -0.07862941, 0.03226957,... >>> rdd.VP(pressure) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.14087023, 0.17787218, -0.02315247, 0.17787218,... """ def __init__(self, bf, ct, quad_degree=None): self._primal_reduction_ = Reduction(bf, ct, quad_degree=quad_degree) self._mass_matrices_ = MassMatrices(bf, ct)
[docs] def NP(self, scalar): """Reduce a scalar to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{NP}}_{N}(\\Omega)`. :param scalar: A function in :math:`H^1(\\Omega)` to be reduced to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{NP}}_{N}(\\Omega)`. :type scalar: function :returns: A 1d np.array representing the local coefficients/dofs of the discrete scalar. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.NP dofs = self._primal_reduction_.NP(scalar) return M @ dofs
[docs] def EP(self, vector): """Reduce a vector to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{EP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :param vector: A vector in :math:`H(\\mathrm{curl};\\Omega)` to be reduced to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{EP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :type vector: tuple, list :returns: A 1d np.array representing the local coefficients/dofs of the discrete vector. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.EP dofs = self._primal_reduction_.EP(vector) return M @ dofs
[docs] def FP(self, vector): """Reduce a vector to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{FP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :param vector: A vector in :math:`H(\\mathrm{div};\\Omega)` to be reduced to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{FP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :type vector: tuple, list :returns: A 1d np.array representing the local coefficients/dofs of the discrete vector. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.FP dofs = self._primal_reduction_.FP(vector) return M @ dofs
[docs] def VP(self, scalar): """Reduce a scalar to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{VP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :param scalar: A function in :math:`L^2(\\Omega)` to be reduced to :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{VP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :type scalar: function :returns: A 1d np.array representing the local coefficients/dofs of the discrete scalar. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.VP dofs = self._primal_reduction_.VP(scalar) return M @ dofs
[docs] class ReconstructionDual(object): """Reconstruction functions for spaces :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{NP}}_{N}(\\Omega)`, :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{EP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`, :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{FP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)` and :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{VP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :example: >>> from numpy import sin, cos, pi >>> from coordinate_transformation import CoordinateTransformation >>> from coordinate_transformation import Phi, d_Phi >>> from mimetic_basis_polynomials import MimeticBasisPolynomials >>> ct = CoordinateTransformation(Phi, d_Phi) >>> bf = MimeticBasisPolynomials('Lobatto-3', 'Lobatto-3', 'Lobatto-3') >>> def pressure(x,y,z): ... return sin(np.pi*x) * sin(pi*y) * sin(pi*z) >>> def velocity_x(x,y,z): ... return pi * cos(pi*x) * sin(pi*y) * sin(pi*z) >>> def velocity_y(x,y,z): ... return pi * sin(pi*x) * cos(pi*y) * sin(pi*z) >>> def velocity_z(x,y,z): ... return pi * sin(pi*x) * sin(pi*y) * cos(pi*z) >>> def source(x,y,z): ... return -3 * pi**2 * sin(np.pi*x) * sin(pi*y) * sin(pi*z) >>> rd = Reduction(bf, ct) >>> dofs_N = rd.NP(pressure) >>> dofs_E = rd.EP((velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z)) >>> dofs_F = rd.FP((velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z)) >>> dofs_V = rd.VP(source) >>> rdd = ReductionDual(bf, ct) >>> d_dofs_N = rdd.NP(pressure) >>> d_dofs_E = rdd.EP((velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z)) >>> d_dofs_F = rdd.FP((velocity_x, velocity_y, velocity_z)) >>> d_dofs_V = rdd.VP(source) >>> xi = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50) >>> et = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50) >>> sg = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50) >>> rc = Reconstruction(bf, ct) >>> xyz_p, p = rc.NP(dofs_N, xi, et, sg) >>> xyz_w, w = rc.EP(dofs_E, xi, et, sg) >>> xyz_u, u = rc.FP(dofs_F, xi, et, sg) >>> xyz_f, f = rc.VP(dofs_V, xi, et, sg) >>> rcd = ReconstructionDual(bf, ct) >>> XYZ_p, P = rcd.NP(d_dofs_N, xi, et, sg) >>> XYZ_w, W = rcd.EP(d_dofs_E, xi, et, sg) >>> XYZ_u, U = rcd.FP(d_dofs_F, xi, et, sg) >>> XYZ_f, F = rcd.VP(d_dofs_V, xi, et, sg) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(p, P) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(w[0], W[0]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(w[1], W[1]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(w[2], W[2]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[0], U[0]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[1], U[1]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(u[2], U[2]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(f, F) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(xyz_p[1], XYZ_f[1]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(XYZ_w[0], xyz_u[0]) >>> np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(XYZ_f[2], XYZ_u[2]) """ def __init__(self, bf, ct): self._primal_reconstruction_ = Reconstruction(bf, ct) self._mass_matrices_ = MassMatrices(bf, ct)
[docs] def NP(self, loc_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=False): """Reconstruct a node polynomial evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}(\\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :param loc_dofs: A 1d np.array containing the coefficients of the discrete scalar in :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{NP}}_{N}(\\Omega)`. :type loc_dofs: np.array :param xi: :math:`\\xi`. :param et: :math:`\\eta`. :param sg: :math:`\\varsigma`. The reconstructed scalar will be evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :type xi: 1d np.array :type et: 1d np.array :type sg: 1d np.array :param ravel: (default: ``False``) If ``ravel`` is ``True``, we will flat the outputs (as a 1d array) according to local numbering. Otherwise, you get 3d outputs corresponding to the indexing. :returns: A tuple of two outputs: * :math:`(x,y,z)`: The reconstructed scalar is evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z):=\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)`. * values: The values of the reconstructed scalar evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z)`. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.NP invM = spspalinalg.inv(M) primal_dofs = invM @ loc_dofs return self._primal_reconstruction_.NP( primal_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=ravel)
[docs] def EP(self, loc_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=False): """Reconstruct a vector of edge polynomials evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}(\\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :param loc_dofs: A 1d np.array containing the coefficients of the discrete vector in :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{EP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :type loc_dofs: np.array :param xi: :math:`\\xi`. :param et: :math:`\\eta`. :param sg: :math:`\\varsigma`. The reconstructed vector will be evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :type xi: 1d np.array :type et: 1d np.array :type sg: 1d np.array :param ravel: (default: ``False``) If ``ravel`` is ``True``, we will flat the outputs (as a 1d array) according to local numbering. Otherwise, you get 3d outputs corresponding to the indexing. :returns: A tuple of two outputs: * :math:`(x,y,z)`: The reconstructed scalar is evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z):=\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)`. * :math:`(u,v,w)`: Three components of the reconstructed vector evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z)`. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.EP invM = spspalinalg.inv(M) primal_dofs = invM @ loc_dofs return self._primal_reconstruction_.EP( primal_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=ravel)
[docs] def FP(self, loc_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=False): """Reconstruct a vector of face polynomials evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}(\\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :param loc_dofs: A 1d np.array containing the coefficients of the discrete vector in :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{FP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :type loc_dofs: np.array :param xi: :math:`\\xi`. :param et: :math:`\\eta`. :param sg: :math:`\\varsigma`. The reconstructed vector will be evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :type xi: 1d np.array :type et: 1d np.array :type sg: 1d np.array :param ravel: (default: ``False``) If ``ravel`` is ``True``, we will flat the outputs (as a 1d array) according to local numbering. Otherwise, you get 3d outputs corresponding to the indexing. :returns: A tuple of two outputs: * :math:`(x,y,z)`: The reconstructed scalar is evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z):=\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)`. * :math:`(u,v,w)`: Three components of the reconstructed vector evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z)`. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.FP invM = spspalinalg.inv(M) primal_dofs = invM @ loc_dofs return self._primal_reconstruction_.FP( primal_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=ravel)
[docs] def VP(self, loc_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=False): """Reconstruct a volume polynomial evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}(\\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :param loc_dofs: A 1d np.array containing the coefficients of the discrete scala in :math:`\\widetilde{\\text{VP}}_{N-1}(\\Omega)`. :type loc_dofs: np.array :param xi: :math:`\\xi`. :param et: :math:`\\eta`. :param sg: :math:`\\varsigma`. The reconstructed scalar will be evaluated at :math:`\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)``. :type xi: 1d np.array :type et: 1d np.array :type sg: 1d np.array :param ravel: (default: ``False``) If ``ravel`` is ``True``, we will flat the outputs (as a 1d array) according to local numbering. Otherwise, you get 3d outputs corresponding to the indexing. :returns: A tuple of two outputs: * :math:`(x,y,z)`: The reconstructed scalar is evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z):=\\Phi\\circ \\text{meshgrid}( \\xi, \\eta, \\varsigma)`. * values: The values of the reconstructed scalar evaluated at :math:`(x,y,z)`. """ M = self._mass_matrices_.VP invM = spspalinalg.inv(M) primal_dofs = invM @ loc_dofs if 'float' in primal_dofs.__class__.__name__ : primal_dofs = np.array([primal_dofs,]) return self._primal_reconstruction_.VP( primal_dofs, xi, et, sg, ravel=ravel)
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()